Medium Mobility Scooters
Medium Scooters, Maximum Independence.
Our medium mobility scooters range are a very popular choice for individuals looking for a mobility scooter. They have been designed to be sleek and stylish but offer the most comfortable and safest driving experience possible. Please select one of our medium mobility scooters below for more information.
The Eden Pathmaster Light Mobility Scooter
£2,195.00 - £2,635.00
The Eden Pathmaster Mobility Scooter
The Eden Pathmaster Deluxe Mobility Scooter
£1,995.00 - £2,394.00
The Eden Pathmaster Light Mobility Scooter
£2,195.00 - £2,635.00
The Eden Pathmaster Mobility Scooter
The Eden Pathmaster Deluxe Mobility Scooter
£1,995.00 - £2,394.00